Indo-Dutch Synergy

OFBJP puts all efforts to ensure collaboration with Dutch Community

OFBJP Head of Student Affairs – Girish Kedar participated in an extraordinary seminar on “Prospects for Indo-Dutch Cooperation in the area of Science & Technology” organised by Indian Embassy in The Netherlands on 26th March 2018.
Girish witnessed a great enthusiasm in both Dutch and Indian government to collaborate on the scientific platform as both the countries are well equipped with talent and innovation. India’s potential of being 3rd Largest Technical manpower in the world, 162 universities awarding 4,000 doctorates and 35,000 postgraduate degrees, global scientific publication share rising at CAGR of 12% and more. It was followed by excellent and eye-opening talks by Mr. Jeroen Tas, Executive Vice-President, Royal Phillips, Dr. Dirk Smit, Chief scientist and Vice-President, Royal Shell and Prof. Steinbuch and Ms. Anupam Nayak from Eindhoven Medical robotics. Girish said ” The future is full of AI, Data Science, Robotics and endless possibilities. Its a great future for Indo-Dutch Scientific collaboration and especially the youth involved in creating the better world.”
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