Uniting Grandparents & Grandchildren

Uniting Grandparents & Grandchildren – Many first generation Indians are now arriving and living in The Netherlands. OFBJP aspires that no Indian child must be deprived of their grandparents. We all know that due to the fast paced lifestyle and growing career demands a lot of grandparents are now taking parenting role to support their children however the Indian Community are deprived of this benefit. The grand children have very little memories to cherish. OFBJP will discuss the Dutch government and Dutch Authorities to allow six months visa (Schengen visa) for 180 days (six month period of stay) with multiple entries for senior citizen ( anyone equal to or above 55 years).provides only short-stay visa valid for a fixed period.

In case you have any issues or have a suggestion or advise on issue which must be picked up by OFBJP please feel free to contact us